Teams Collaboration

Follow along as Alex Moening, Systems Engineer at our Willmar Office, gives us an overview of Microsoft Teams Collaboration capabilities and how-tos.

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The Teams functionality in Microsoft Teams is the central hub for communication and collaboration. Each team can be separated into multiple different channels. Each channel will separate the topics out for the team itself.

The main view within the teams channel is the Posts. These are much like social media posts where a comment can be made and you can see replies underneath regarding the original topic. People can then have separate conversations about each of the topics.

The second item within each Teams channel is Files. This is where you can store files to collaborate on with the rest of your team members that are viewable and editable in real time. The files uploaded will popup within the Teams window, when opened, and can be edited within the window. Another option to edit files is to pop out and edit them within their native Microsoft products.

Meet is found in the upper right hand portion of the main navigation of the Team channel. You can tap on the Meet icon to send a message to everyone requesting a meeting with everyone within the team. This would be an informal way to start a last minute video conference.

Pro Tip

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If you have a file that’s commonly used, such as a contact spreadsheet, you can right click it and make the file a tab above for that Team’s channel. This will make it easier to locate as now it will be located in a central location on the top, easy to find each time. No longer will you need to find the file through the others as it will be listed right there on the top of your Team’s channel.

Thanks for joining us to learn more about Teams Collaboration. Next stop in our Microsoft Team video series is Teams Calling. Stay tuned! For more information about your investment in the Teams project, reach out to our Support team today.

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