
Spam Filter and Advanced Threat Protection

Barracuda Spam Filter provided by West Central Technology is a top-of-the-line defense for your email. Each day, 88 billion spam emails are sent globally. To help protect you, Barracuda actively scans and monitors all incoming email for potentially harmful or unwanted mail.


How to Use Barracuda for Email Filtering

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While Barracuda is good at identifying unwanted mail, at times it will mistakenly flag mail you wish to receive and quarantine those messages. If this happens, don’t be alarmed; those messages can easily be released from quarantine and delivered.

Frequently Asked Questions About Barracuda

There are multiple methods to block a sender.

If you have a message inside a quarantine notification email that you know is bad, you can click the BLOCK LIST to add the sender's full email address to your individual email without affecting others inside your company.

If there is a whole domain you want to block, that is possible too. Should it be blocked for just you or would it benefit the entire company to be blocked? Let us assist you, open a support ticket so we can help.

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